At Priory, we are proud to have dedicated nurse clinics. These clinics are suitable for smaller procedures, such as anal gland emptying, post-operative checks, second vaccinations and nail clipping. We also offer more specific nurse-led clinics, including:
- Senior clinics – these are designed for cats over 10 years old and dogs over 8 years old. These clinics have a longer appointment time, which allows us to provide a full health assessment so we can detect early signs of geriatric conditions. In the clinics, we carry out a full top to toe assessment, check blood pressure, take blood samples and perform a basic urine test. Spotting abnormalities early can lead to a longer, happier life for your pet.
- Heart clinics – these are designed to screen breeds at risk of heart disease, in the hope we pick up affected animals before they progress to heart failure. They include a clinical assessment with our nurse and a blood sample.
- Junior clinics – these are designed for kittens and puppies. They include nutrition, behaviour, socialisation and healthcare advice and will act as your first point of call for getting your puppy or kitten used to visiting the vet. They include a handbook of advice, and a gift for you both.
- Weight management clinics – Priory’s Podgy Pet clinics are a comprehensive assessment of your pet’s body condition, including weight checks, measurements and nutrition advice. They include a weight loss and dietary plan, as well as regular check-ins to ensure we’re staying on track.
- Skin clinic – Our Skin Clinic package will include a consultation with one of our veterinary nurses, education on skin complaints, sampling of the skin, and information on how to manage the condition of your pet’s skin. Following the results, a veterinary surgeon may be in touch if specific prescription medication or further treatment is needed.